Did you purchase your wall switches recently (within the past year)? If so, they are most likely "soft start" units and should be identified as "LM14a 2-way lamp modules" within AHP. We have a post on the subject over here :
Soft Start Dimmer ProblemsIf you check your activity monitor, I'm betting that you will see the following when you activate the switches from the desktop (using address A1 as an example):
Macro A1
Macro A ON
Macro A Dim XX%
When you activate the macro from the CM15a does it show this?
Macro A1
Macro A Bright 100%
Macro A Dim XX%
If so, this is the problem. The newer "soft start" switches will not turn on in response to the "bright 100%" command (your lamp modules will). Changing the AHP interface to a LM14a 2-way Lamp Module should solve this.
I can't tell you why things suddenly changed. Did you change your macro setting from "on" to "90% on" (or something similar)?