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Author Topic: Which is better Timers on macros or their triggers.  (Read 4576 times)


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Which is better Timers on macros or their triggers.
« on: November 13, 2008, 11:25:28 AM »

Monitored Module F6.  When it's on, it means keep the stairlight on - when it's off, it means let the motion sensor turn the light on & off.

Macro F6-ON turns the light (L9) on and F6-OFF turns it off.

Macro H3-on & H3-OFF (motion sensor is H3) has the condition F6=OFF

Between the hours of 4pm and 11pm, F6 is on.  And it exists so I can manually keep the light on at other times.  (Otherwise I could just time-condition the H3 macro)

Here's the question - "Is it better to put the 16:00-ON and 21:00-OFF TIMER on the F6 module, or the F6 macro?  Why?"
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Re: Which is better Timers on macros or their triggers.
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2008, 05:01:28 PM »

Monitored Module F6.  When it's on, it means keep the stairlight on - when it's off, it means let the motion sensor turn the light on & off.

Macro F6-ON turns the light (L9) on and F6-OFF turns it off.

Macro H3-on & H3-OFF (motion sensor is H3) has the condition F6=OFF

Between the hours of 4pm and 11pm, F6 is on.  And it exists so I can manually keep the light on at other times.  (Otherwise I could just time-condition the H3 macro)

Here's the question - "Is it better to put the 16:00-ON and 21:00-OFF TIMER on the F6 module, or the F6 macro?  Why?"


I'm not altogether sure how you are using F6.  This appears to be a "dummy module" on the monitored house code that you are using to trigger Macro F6-ON and as a flag for Macro H3.

That being the case, I believe you need to put the timer on the F6 module itself.  If you put the timer on the macro, F6 will not be activated and your "dummy module" flag for macro H3 will not function.

If you could post your macro(s), we could do a far better job of answering the question.



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Re: Which is better Timers on macros or their triggers.
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2008, 05:32:10 AM »

Had a feeling you'd be answering - thanks!   Actually, I use a FLAG#6 also.  Phantom module F6 wouldn't be needed except for when I want to manually make the light stay on - independent of the motion sensor. - (Sorry for omitting that - duh)

Macro F6 sets FLAG#6.  If FLAG#6 is SET, the light stays on, ignoring the MS14A.  If FLAG#6 is CLEAR, MS14A operates the light during a certain time span (while it's dark).  Phantom F6 triggers macro F6.  I manually flip Phantom F6 when I want the light on.  Having a timer on the Phantom F6 works.  So does having a timer on the macro F6.  Within the weird world  of X10 - is there any advantage of having the timer one place or the other?

(and No, the midnight-spanning condition doesn't work.  the actual working macro is "FLAG#6 is Off and Time is between 12:01 a.m. and 4:30 a.m.)

Macro Name   KeepStairLightON – F6=ON
Trigger:   F6=ON (KeepStairLightON)
Trigger:   Timer: 1600
1.   Set FLAG#6=SET (KeepStairLightON)
2.   Set L9=ON (StairLight)

Macro Name   SetStairLightAuto – F6=OFF
Trigger:   F6=OFF (KeepStairLightON)
Trigger:   Timer: 23:00
1.   Set FLAG#6=CLEAR (KeepStairLightON)
2.   Set L9=OFF (StairLight)

Macro Name   StairLight-ON
Trigger:   MS-Stair = On (H1 and 2 min. OFF Delay)
Conditions:   Time is between 11:10 p.m. and 4:45 a.m. AND FLAG#6=CLEAR
1.   Set StairLight – ON
2.   Set TeaCartLamp – 40%
3.   Set DiningLamp – 50%

Macro Name   StairLight-OFF
Trigger:   MS-Stair = OFF (2 min. Delay)
Conditions:   Time is between 11:10 p.m. and 4:45 a.m. AND FLAG#6=CLEAR
1.   Set StairLight – OFF
Delay   2 minutes
2.   Set TeaCartLamp – OFF
3.   Set DiningLamp – OFF
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Re: Which is better Timers on macros or their triggers.
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2008, 12:06:40 PM »


I think I understand now -

One comment on your macro below

Macro Name   KeepStairLightON – F6=ON
Trigger:   F6=ON (KeepStairLightON)
Trigger:   Timer: 1600

If your timer is applied to the macro, you essentially wind up with two triggers (F6 and the timer).  It's a small point, but this would be written as:
Macro Name   KeepStairLightON – F6=ON
Trigger:   Timer: 1600

Past that, where you apply the timer is largely personal preference. 

Applying the timer to the macro will result in slightly quicker execution since the macro is called directly (1 - 2 seconds).  Not that big a deal since this is a timed event.

Applying the timer to your F6 phantom would have the advantage of synchronizing the module with the macro (F6 ON = macro active).



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Re: Which is better Timers on macros or their triggers.
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2008, 08:17:36 AM »

Hey Boiler - Please indulge me another question.  I'm trying to write/execute whole system reset macros - triggered on P16.  I have 4 spans of time and I think I've finally got it to where 2 FLAGs correctly indicate Wake/Day/Evening/Night.  Most of my house lights are on "L" (same as DS7000).  In addition to having "L" addressed modules in the AHP rooms, I also have an "L" Room with all 16 (yes, used U/C's are duplicated).

Running Room "L" All-Units-OFF - is unpredictable, so I listed them all:

Macro Name   SetLightsWake - O1
Trigger:   O1=ON
Conditions:   IF FLAG#1=SET (ON)
1.   Set L1=30%    (DiningRoomLamp)
2.   Set L2=OFF    (EvLivLamp)
3.   Set L3=20%    (DWABedLamp)
4.   Set L4=OFF    (EvBedLamp)
5.   Set L5=OFF   (LivFloorLamp)
6.   Set L6=OFF   (GuestLamp)
7.   Set L7=50%    (Office Lamp)
8.   Set L8=30%    (TeaCart)
9.   Set L9=ON                   (StairLight)
10.   Set L10=OFF   (empty)
11.   Set L11=OFF   (empty)
12.   Set L12=OFF   (empty)
13.   Set L13=OFF    (HopeChestLamp)
14.   Set L14=OFF   (empty)
15.   Set L15=OFF   (empty)
16.   Set L16=OFF   (empty)
17.   Set D6=45%   (FrontPorchLight)
18.   Set D7=60%   (BackPorchLight)
19.   Set O1=OFF    (ResetLightsTrigger)
Delay   0:45
20.   Set L3=OFF   (DWABedLamp)
21.   Set L5=OFF   (LivFloorLamp)
22.   Set L8=OFF    (TeaCart)
23.   Set L1=25%    (DiningRoomLamp)

This works most of the time - AFTER I sprinkled some DELAYs in the sequence.  I'm not concerned with the length of time it takes to complete the sequence (through action #19) - so based upon your expertise, where should I place DELAYs and how many?

Based upon the log, other signals occur before the final L-ON and I think that's messing things up.

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Which is better Timers on macros or their triggers.
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2008, 04:21:52 PM »

Hey Boiler - Please indulge me another question.  I'm trying to write/execute whole system reset macros - triggered on P16.  I have 4 spans of time and I think I've finally got it to where 2 FLAGs correctly indicate Wake/Day/Evening/Night.  Most of my house lights are on "L" (same as DS7000).  In addition to having "L" addressed modules in the AHP rooms, I also have an "L" Room with all 16 (yes, used U/C's are duplicated).

Running Room "L" All-Units-OFF - is unpredictable, so I listed them all:


From your post, it sounds like you are trying to return your system to a known state after a power outage.  If that is the case, I believe you want to start with all monitored units off.

Don't use the "Room X All-Units-Off function.  It just cycles through each unit sending an off command (nothing gained over individual commands)

Instead, use the "HOUSE Code L - All units off" command.  This is a single global command that should turn all units (dimmers and relays) off and reset you "phantom" units as well.  After issuing the "All units off" you can then set the units to the desired on level.  Whether you need delays will depend on the type of unit you are using (standard or soft start/LM14a) and whether you are dimming or simply turning them on/off.

Here are some examples where I use delays

Set WS467 to 60% (standard old WS467, lm465, etc)
Delay 1 sec (allow 1 second after the long stream of bright/dim commands)
Set LM14a ON

Set WS467#1 on
Delay 0 (delay to force execution of the command)
Set WS467#2 on
Delay 0 (delay to force execution of the command)
Set WS467 #3 on

When using LM14a modules (soft start) I typically to not add a delay.

f you wouldn't mind posting your activity monitor, it might yield some clues.

As a final note, if you are using softstart (LM14a interfaced) modules on your HouseCode L, the sequence you have is tailor made for a X10 extended code scene.  Interested?



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Re: Which is better Timers on macros or their triggers.
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2008, 05:32:31 AM »

Damn, I've been playing X10 now for almost a year and didn't realize "HOUSE Code L - All units off" command was even there! (V-8 head-slap)
Sure, I'm interested in the scene, but from reading some of your earlier posts it seems a tad complicated?
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Re: Which is better Timers on macros or their triggers.
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2008, 05:55:04 PM »


The binary stuff seems intimidating, but then so was swimming the first time.

If you can identify which modules on house code "L" are softstart (LM14a interfaced units), I'll email you the macro for setting them up.

One condition - you'll need to post your "findings" (good/bad/indifferent).

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