Hey Boiler - Please indulge me another question. I'm trying to write/execute whole system reset macros - triggered on P16. I have 4 spans of time and I think I've finally got it to where 2 FLAGs correctly indicate Wake/Day/Evening/Night. Most of my house lights are on "L" (same as DS7000). In addition to having "L" addressed modules in the AHP rooms, I also have an "L" Room with all 16 (yes, used U/C's are duplicated).
Running Room "L" All-Units-OFF - is unpredictable, so I listed them all:
From your post, it sounds like you are trying to return your system to a known state after a power outage. If that is the case, I believe you want to start with all monitored units off.
Don't use the "Room X All-Units-Off function. It just cycles through each unit sending an off command (nothing gained over individual commands)
Instead, use the "HOUSE Code L - All units off" command. This is a single global command that should turn all units (dimmers and relays) off and reset you "phantom" units as well. After issuing the "All units off" you can then set the units to the desired on level. Whether you need delays will depend on the type of unit you are using (standard or soft start/LM14a) and whether you are dimming or simply turning them on/off.
Here are some examples where I use delays
Set WS467 to 60% (standard old WS467, lm465, etc)
Delay 1 sec (allow 1 second after the long stream of bright/dim commands)
Set LM14a ON
Set WS467#1 on
Delay 0 (delay to force execution of the command)
Set WS467#2 on
Delay 0 (delay to force execution of the command)
Set WS467 #3 on
When using LM14a modules (soft start) I typically to not add a delay.
f you wouldn't mind posting your activity monitor, it might yield some clues.
As a final note, if you are using softstart (LM14a interfaced) modules on your HouseCode L, the sequence you have is tailor made for a X10 extended code scene. Interested?