I, on the other hand, have not had much luck with the X10 wireless cameras.
Actually... I've never had much of a problem with the camera reception. I use.. and/or have used, wired and wireless cameras, X10 and other brands. I even use the Sender/Receivers to send movies from my
Home Theater to the upstairs and my office.
I am however having a little RF problem in getting my CM15A to control my Ninja... that got me started on the antenna quest. I still have a way to go but I am sure I will get there. Ultimately I hope to use my
BVC (Bill's Voice Commander) setup to tell my cameras [Ninjas] where to look. One of the Ninjas I plan on mounting on my XMOP (X10 Mobile Observation Platform).
A little attention to details... like placing cameras near windows (because the RF passes through windows much easier than walls) can be a big help. I also aim the RF transmission to the corner of a room when possible... then aim the receivers patch antenna to the same corner... and let the signal reflect back. Using additional sender/receivers to relay video is also an option to improve reception.
There are some 5.8GHz wireless cameras (albeit more expensive) that several people have said are immune to 5.8GHz wireless phones. I may give those a shot, as adding extra wires for me is out of the question.
2.4 GHz has become a little crowded. And...
I think 5.8 will at some point also. If you want to "avoid the crowd" and maybe save a buck in the process... look at the 900 MHz wireless.