I couldn't find a better place for this. Move it ya wanna. I tried an idea for a bvc microphone that would use the baby monitor idea but instead of a baby monitor, I tried rigging a gmfrs radio. I was hoping that I could use that going down the road to turn on my driveway lights on. I know that the rig was working but because of the tinny crappy output (even wired direct) the voice recognizer was unable to interpret most of what I said. So if you ever get this great idea, skip it unless you test the output of the recieving radio to have great quality. I have considered the idea of using additional equipment to preamplify the output which would allow me to add richness to the voice coming through, but that seems like a lot of equipment tied up into that making it not so worth it. That siad I STILL have not figured out a way to turn on my driveway lights before I get to the driveway. Anyway, that's all for now.