Dear X10 forums,
I am having problems with my new X10 devices/cameras not operating when I click the button. What is wrong with them?
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Dear X10 User,
Regretfully we are unable to answer your question at this user/fan supported forum. Might we suggest that you repeat your question over at the official X10 Facebook / MySpace / Twitter user group.
The dedicated X10 staff monitoring those groups will know exactly what you need to do without knowing what hardware or software you are trying to use. They will also know all there is to know about buggy software releases, phase coupling, noise issues, macro problems, dummy/phantom module use and a gazillion other things that might or might not be wrong with your setup.
They will also gladly tell you that your idea (the original one that you recycled from this forum) is absolutely fantastic and will probably be put into production by the end of the week.
The quality of the support over at TwitsFaceSpace is equalled only by their official helpdesk and customer support line.
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X10 could always use TwitsFaceSpace to promote the forum and have their unpaid 'helpers' here attempt to answer the questions. Or am I just being unrealistic expecting the average Twitter user to understand anything greater than 140 characters in length? I must be getting old, I remember the phrase as "words of more than one syllable"