i'm new to this stuff, but what is an "AHP"
Keep in mind, that the AHP software is generally sold with the CM15A. The CM15A is a USB device that can both send and receive all X10 signals. The CM15A sends and receives X10 signals in both RF (Radio Frequency) and PLC (Power Line Command).
The AHP software allows you to create directions for your X10 devices (like cameras). Some such directions (or programming) can be simply downloaded into the CM15A, the USB cord removed, and that's it. The CM15A plugs into a wall outlet and excepts 4 AAA batteries for power backup. However.... many control setting require the brain power of your computer to perform the programed tasks. Then the computer must be left on 24/7.
I run a Home Automation computer 24/7 myself. It controls my cameras by taking (and recording) pictures to its hard drive and emailing copies of them to me. The running computer (and AHP with the CM15A) and a broadband connection also allows a user to look-in on their home via the Internet.
I run an old (saved from the trash) P3 computer running XP home with my home automation. I did bump-up the memory on it with RAM I bought at the flea market. And you'd be amazed
what a computer can do for Home Automation.