X10 Modules state matrix (javascript based on AHSDK)
Description: This utility draw a 256 X10 address matrix colored cells for each
module state. AHP does not preserve the state map of X10 units next of PC reboot.
This utility written in javascript X10 store each event in a file and reapply
the X10 command after the reboot of the PC in order to restore the state of
modules dynamically.
Function: Click on cell to sendplc command and toggle the module state.
The dimming module is not allowed and replaced by On/Off operation.
The Pool Modules State (AHP) button reload the X10 address map from AHP.
Note: A difference in the "html" extension, the script must have a "hta" extension
to avoid the activeX security warning.
Installation: Just rename the X10MatrixState.txt file in attachement to
X10MatrixState.hta and execute.
Requirement: This script is tested on windows 7 (64bits), IE 9.0.12, AHP 3.318,
SDK installed and CM15A PC interface.
Author: Marc Baillairge
Thank you.