one could get the TV-B-Gone kit from Ladyada:
It only does power on/off codes with one single button and does not work for Olevia tv's, but you could some how wire the contacts (in series) to two Universal Modules and aim it at the tvs
That way it would take two separate on or off codes to shut off the tv' could overlap the two motion sensors off times so that no more than one ever sends an off at a time while the club is open
I think PompRocker is onto something here. only $19.99, the motion sensor, or human 'attendant' could turn on/off all TV's in the club, "within 150 feet" when everyone leaves.
You know, in the clubs I have visited, the TV has a remote available in front of it (often attached to a treadmill, for example) that changes the channel, has a headphone jack, volume control, and a 'sleep' timer. After 30 minutes it goes off by itself...
So, you see, there is more than one way to skin a cat*.
...And come to think of it, why have all the 'usual suspects' replied to this thread, but the original poster has not?
*[No animals have been harmed in the posting of this message]