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Author Topic: PS561 + Time Warner + digit 3 = :-(  (Read 4731 times)


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PS561 + Time Warner + digit 3 = :-(
« on: May 31, 2010, 08:28:02 PM »

So, I'm running into the same situation that everyone else is with Time Warner and other Cable/VoIP. It seems that my phone provider doesn't recognize the tone for the digit 3 when dialed. I've tried two different units and both have the same problem. Aside from using Google voice, has anyone figured out a solution yet? Or does anyone have a Google Voice invite that I can use? :-)


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Re: PS561 + Time Warner + digit 3 = :-(
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 08:59:26 AM »

update. Got a google voice account and chose a number without the digit 3 in it and the system works again. Just had the google voice number forward to the old cell number with multiple 3's in it.
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