heyu (www.heyu.org) has a command line x10 interface that works quite well on Linux. I'm not familiar with the objects you mentioned so I can't compare.
The ahcmd.exe and ahscript.dll objects are just a way to send and receive x10 commands. Here is an example using the ahcmd.exe command line tool.
ahcmd sendplc C5 ON
This is pretty self explanatory. It tells the system to send a PLC command to turn H/U C5 on. I would be looking for something similar with heyu or whatever other bash/shell scripting tool can do something similar to this. Part of my problem right now is I don't have a CM11A for testing, otherwise I would install heyu and give it a try.
Does anyone know if there has been any progress on the CM15A driver for linux?
Heyu supports commands for the CM17A "Firecracker" which have a similar syntax to those for the CM11A. Since there's no way for software to determine whether a CM17A is actually connected, they will not generate an error if the CM17A is absent (as will happen with a CM11A command if the CM11A is absent). Here are a few examples which illustrate the syntax:
Heyu CM11A command Heyu CM17A command
---------------------------- ----------------------------
heyu on A1 heyu fon A1
heyu off A1 heyu foff A1
heyu dim A1 10 heyu fdim A1 10
heyu alloff A heyu falloff A
Running 'heyu help' will display the long list of all Heyu commands.
The optional Heyu Engine background process records the current state of each module based on X10 PLC signals sent and received via the CM11A. The recently released Heyu version 2.9.0 has a configuration option for users with a CM17A but no CM11A whereby the current state is recorded based on the transmitted CM17A commands, blindly assuming that the user has a RR501 or TM751 Transceiver on the powerline.