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Author Topic: UM 506 stopped working with MC 460 controller  (Read 3218 times)


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UM 506 stopped working with MC 460 controller
« on: June 30, 2010, 01:47:48 PM »

These have been used on our HW recirc system for 5+ years w/o problem. A few days ago the MC460 would not activate the UM506.  I checked the codes: OK. I moved the controller right next (~ 3 ft away) to the module.. still no go.  Pushed module "on" button: worked just fine.

Me thinks one of them is kaput...  any ideas which?  any other possible cause?  (nothing new added to the house circuits, BTW)


Brian H

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Re: UM 506 stopped working with MC 460 controller
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 01:59:52 PM »

Is the MC460 used to control any other modules and do they still work?
Can you try a different module on the problem UM506s address with the MC460?
That may give a rough test of the MC460.

Do you have any other controller to test the UM506 with?

Try rotating the house and unit code dials on the UM506 a few time in case they got dirty and the address has changed.


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Re: UM 506 stopped working with MC 460 controller
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 05:46:44 PM »

What finally did the trick was rotating the dials on the UM506.


Thank you!! :)%
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