Hi all,
Here is the problem I am having. I have a little 12volt LCD screen for a backup video for the car. It is wireless and picks up the x-10 signal for video. When I use a standard wall transformer at 12volts and 100mah, the screen works fine, but when i use the x-10 powersupply, which is 12 and 80mah the screen repeatedly blinks on and off, on and off, ect..
My concern is how is the powersupply working for the video, (is it like a light module or appliance). I did do a mah test on the LCD and it only draws 35mah, so even the 80 should be OK.
I have read posts about some modules turning on and off because of confusion in the circuit as to whether the device is on or off. That is why i was wondering if there is something in the camera or transmitter that creates a good draw to keep it on. similar to l.e.d. lights staying on dim with socket rockets.
Thank you in advance for any help with this situation.
oh yeah, I am using a non-x-10 cam at the front door, to a x-10 transmitter and the wireless LCD to pick up the signal and display. I want the LCD to come on via a motion sensor at the front door, so kids can see who is there and then have the screen turn off after a minute or so. Of course trying to do this with 1 transformer, and not a transformer plugged into a module. Too bulky for outlet.