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Author Topic: Sirens  (Read 4586 times)


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« on: December 10, 2010, 05:50:28 PM »

I took down a system that I had in my wife's jewelry store recently.  I noticed that after I have removed the console, cameras, etc. that I still had a siren plugged in as well as a movement sensor.  So, when I entered the space the siren took off, without the console.  My problem is that I cannot remember, exactly, the configuration that caused this to work although I suspect I also had a transceiver in the mix.  I do know that I also had a small security remote that allowed me to turn off the siren. 

Now, I called x10 and was told that there was no way this could happen without a console.  Sorry - it did happen.  My question is simple.  Does anybody have any thoughts on this as I do have an area which I would like activated by motion but don't want to install a full blown system.

Thank you........

Brian H

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Re: Sirens
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2010, 05:59:32 PM »

Was the Powehorn Siren the SH10A {Small Siren} or the PH508 {Large Siren}?

Was the motion sensor a security sensor or a standard X10 model?

Not to easy to do but I have made the SH10A start screaming by sending it a series of ON signals to its address.
This also may depend on the SH10As date of manufacture as some here have tried what I did and no screaming happened.  :'

If you have a transceiver and a remote that can send an On signal to the SH10As address. try sending a set of ON commands and see if you can again start the scratching. Sendig some Off command should stop it and I believe if you wait four minutes it will time out.

Both the SH10A and PH508 can also be triggered by a cycle of On and Off commands to its address. In that case the siren takes about three sets of cycles to start and then stops about four seconds after the cycling stops.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 06:25:39 PM by Brian H »


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Re: Sirens
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2010, 07:04:41 PM »

I think the siren was a PSH02 although I also have a ph508 so either one.  the sensor was, I think, a ms16a-c (I also have a ms10a).

Thanks for the reply.  I think I am just going to have to spend a little time messing with this one. 

Brian H

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Re: Sirens
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2010, 07:12:17 PM »

PSH02 is the X10Pro version of the X10 SH10A and may act the same way if it gets a string of On commands.
If you send it a single On and then dim and bright commands it should ding and dong.

dave w

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Re: Sirens
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2010, 01:07:12 PM »

I took down a system that I had in my wife's jewelry store recently.  I noticed that after I have removed the console, cameras, etc. that I still had a siren plugged in as well as a movement sensor.  So, when I entered the space the siren took off, without the console.  My problem is that I cannot remember, exactly, the configuration that caused this to work although I suspect I also had a transceiver in the mix. 
Yeah, if you have removed the console, you must have a transceiver somewhere. Neither the PSH02 nor the PH05 receives RF.  Look behind the counter next to the safe.  :'

Did the siren really "take off" or did it just ding-dong?
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