Me again.
After much reading on this great forum, I've realized that I should be using macros. Here is my tech setup:
- Windows XPP
- CM-15A
- AHP 3.301
OK, here is the start of my dumb line of questions. Apologies to everyone.
1. In setting up macros for my front entrance, I've had to create an "On Macro" and an "Off Macro". I then went to put timers on both of these. What are the triggers and flags? Am I missing something here?
2. Could I do the On and Off part in one macro string? If so would I use a long delay? Again what are flags and triggers?
3. Other than buying Smart Macros, is there an easier way to program these? The choices/options seem quite limited.
Than you all for your patience. I am getting far better at understanding this and I'm very grateful for this community of experienced users.