When I go to create an advanced macro, AHP Smart Macros autopopulates the command byte with a string I have never seen before. I'd like to understand what's going on. Could one of you experts compile such a list?
Can anyone compile a list of command bytes?
Here's a slightly edited page from X-10's documentation.
The command bytes 0x30-0x3C are under the column heading "Type/Func".
Ignore the reference to "Heyu", which is home automation software for Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X. (
TYPE = 3 Dimmers and Appliances
Extended functions not formalized as Heyu commands can be transmitted or
included in macros using the Heyu 'xfunc' command.
bits: 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Func DATA ( x = don't care)
---- ----------------------
0x30 G1 G0 0 x x x x x Include in group G1G0 at the current
preset level on this housecode|unit.
The group address is absolute (no GROUP
[Heyu 'xgrpadd HU G' command]
0x30 G1 G0 1 x S3 S2 S1 S0 Include in group G1G0 at the current
preset level on this housecode|unit.
The group address is relative to the
[Heyu 'xgrpadd HU G.s' command, where
G = 0-3 and s = 1-16]
0x31 x x B16B8 B4 B2 B1 B0 Preset the level on this housecode|unit.
For all units:
'B' field = non-Zero means 'On'; Zero
means 'Off'.
For Dimmers:
'B' field = 0x3F is 'On' at Full Bright
immediately. (63 values)
'B' field = 0x01 to 0x3E is 'On' at
previously set level, brightening
gradually to the new value of 'B'.
If previously 'Off', the unit comes 'On'
fully dimmed before brightening.
'B' field = '0' is 'Off'
[Heyu 'xpreset HU <level>' command]
0x32 G1 G0 B16B8 B4 B2 B1 B0 Include in group 'G' on the specified
housecode|unit. 'B' defines the preset
level and 'G' the group to which it applies.
Other group membership is not affected.
Simultaneous membership in up to 4
groups is allowed. The group function is
not executed until the Execute Group
message is received.
[Heyu 'xgrpadd HU G <level>' command]
0x33 x x x x x x x x All_Units_On on specified housecode.
[Heyu 'xallon H' command]
0x34 x x x x x x x x All_Units_Off on specified housecode.
[Heyu 'xalloff H' command]
0x35 0 0 0 0 G3 G2 G1 G0 Remove this housecode|unit from one or more
groups. ('G3G2G1G0' is a bitmap).
[Heyu 'xgrprem HU G,G,...' command]
0x35 1 1 1 1 G3 G2 G1 G0 Remove all units on this housecode from
one or more groups.
[Heyu 'xgrpremall H G,G,...' command]
0x36 G1 G0 0 0 x x x x Execute Group function for this housecode
and group. The group address is absolute
[Heyu 'xgrpexec H G' command]
0x36 G1 G0 1 0 S3 S2 S1 S0 Execute group function for this housecode
and group. The group address is relative
[Heyu 'xgrpexec H G.s' command]
0x36 G1 G0 0 1 x x x x Turn units in this group 'Off'. The
group preset levels are unaffected. The
group address is absolute.
[Heyu 'xgrpoff H G' command]
0x36 G1 G0 1 1 S3 S2 S1 S0 Turn units in this group 'Off'. The
group preset levels are unaffected. The
group address is relative to 'S3S2S1S0'
[Heyu 'xgrpoff G.s' command]
0x37 x x 0 0 x x x x Request OUTPUT status for this hcode|unit.
Request TO module
[Heyu 'xstatus HU' command]
0x37 x x 0 1 x x x x Request OUTPUT status for this hcode|unit.
Request FROM module after Power Up
[Heyu 'xpowerup HU' command]
0x37 G1 G0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Request GROUP status for this hcode|unit.
The group address is absolute.
Request TO module.
[Heyu 'xgrpstatus HU G' command]
0x37 G1 G0 1 1 S3 S2 S1 S0 Request GROUP status for this hcode|unit.
The group address is relative
Request TO module.
[Heyu 'xgrpstatus HU G.s' command.]
0x38 A1 A0 B16B8 B4 B2 B1 B0 OUTPUT Status ACK for this hcode|unit.
A1 = 1 if load connected
A0 = 0 for LAMP, 1 for SWITCH
Note: Bit A1 is (almost) always
reported as set for the AM15A
two-way Appliance Module, whether
a load is connected or not.
[Heyu 'xStatusAck' response]
0x39 G1 G0 B16B8 B4 B2 B1 B0 Group Status ACK for this hcode|unit.
The group may be absolute or relative
depending on the type of Request.
[Heyu 'xGrpAck' response]
0x3A x x x x x x x x Group Status NACK. Not in the group
requested. The data field returns
the value contained in the Reguest.
[Heyu 'xGrpNack' response]
0x3B x x x x x x C1 C0 Configure Modules (this housecode )
C0 = Auto-ACK Extended Code X10 signal
C1 = Auto-ACK Standard X10 signal
Automatic ACK for signals that alter
the current preset level of the unit.
Bit's 2-7 reserved for future.
[Heyu 'xconfig H <mode>' command]
0x3C G1 G0 0 B/D x x x x Group Bright or Dim. The Group
address is absolute.
B/D = 1 for Bright, 0 for Dim.
[Heyu 'xgrpdim H G' command and
Heyu 'xgrpbright H G' command]
0x3C G1 G0 1 B/D S3 S2 S1 S0 Group Bright or Dim. The Group
address is relative to the GROUP
[Heyu 'xgrpdim H G.s' command and
Heyu 'xgrpbright H G.s' command]
This message causes the output state of a Dimmer to Brighten or Dim for as
long as the message is received, so long as the HC and GROUP ADDRESS (ABS.
or REL.) match the unit HC and it is within that Group. The Output Level
defined for the unit within that Group is unaffected.
Similarly, GROUP OFF will turn off any unit in the specified Group, but
won't affect the output level set for the unit for that Group.
Note: The Group Bright/Dim and Group Off commands are supported by the
redesigned LM465 Lamp Module but NOT by the redesigned WS467 Wall Switch
or the LM14A 2-way Lamp Module. If fact for the latter, the the Group
Off command is misinterpreted as a Group Execute command.
Reference: X10 Technical Document "xtc_798.doc",
"Standard" and "Extended" X-10 Code Formats September 22, 1993
Rev. 11/20/94, 07/12/96, 12/18/96, 04/02/97, 07/22/97, 05/07/98