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Author Topic: Help installing DS12 door sensor on garage door  (Read 6752 times)


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Help installing DS12 door sensor on garage door
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:42:54 PM »

I'm trying to install a DS12 Door Sensor on my garage door but am running into issues with the magnet portion.
I can install the body screwed into the wood but can't install the magnet on the door. 
I tried the double sided tape but the forces/vibration on the door is too great for it.
I tried using super glue but the same results.
Part of the issue is that the garage door on the sides has the cable that pulls the door up.  As the door goes up and over the rails the cable continued striaght up and when the magnet is on the door it will evetually touch and pass the cable and the cable gives it a good snap!  Same problem when it comes down.

Even setting the DS12 to MAX I can't seem to move the magnet far enough so it does not touch/snap the cable.
I tried drilling into the garage door but the inside is foam!  So the metal door is not that strong to hold the 2 screws as the door moves up.

Any ideas to overcome this issues?
Is there a sensor with a "bigger gap" that I can use?
Anyone have pics of what they did?


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Re: Help installing DS12 door sensor on garage door
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2011, 12:48:03 PM »

You might be able to use two "hollow wall" anchors to hold the screws into the door.
Using some carefully placed epoxy to glue them into the holes in the door might help, too (but don't put the screws in until the epoxy cures - or you'll never get them out!)

Brian H

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Re: Help installing DS12 door sensor on garage door
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2011, 12:57:46 PM »

Another option is what I did with my DS12As. Mounted it near the door and used an external magnetic switch wired to the DS12A.

The DS12A has an external zone input on the bottom of the PC Board.
It is a separate zone and can be registered separately.
I didn't register the internal one and wired a Seco-Larm SM-731-T large detection gap {1.25"} switch to the external zone and only used it. The magnet from the DS12A kit is in the box unused at the moment.

You don't have to use the Seco-Larm any external magnetic switch made for a Closed Loop [Switch is closed when magnet next to it} Security Console should work.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 01:01:10 PM by Brian H »


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Re: Help installing DS12 door sensor on garage door
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2011, 03:36:57 PM »

What is the detection rate of the magnet that comes with the DS12A?
The magnet set you used does it come with the wires to connect to it or is that something else I need to factor in?
Any size/gauge wire will work?

Still have to deal with "adding" the magnet to the door. 
Epoxy hu?  Looks like I need to talk to someone at the hardware store perhaps.
You should see how messed up the current magnet housing is based on the damage the cable has done to it.
OUCH!  :'

Brian H

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Re: Help installing DS12 door sensor on garage door
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2011, 04:12:24 PM »

I don't know the detection range of the internal one in the DS12A.

The one I used is rated at 1.25" and I believe it is even a wider gap.
Has screw terminals on it and I used #22 two conductor wire. Not too important other than too large is hard to work with.
Comes with double sticky tape and it feels like industrial strength and I don't think it is going to fall off easily.

Try the link in my previous reply. It shows dimensions and connections.

dave w

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Re: Help installing DS12 door sensor on garage door
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2011, 04:39:05 PM »

What is the detection rate of the magnet that comes with the DS12A?
The safe answer to this is "make it as close as possible".  And everything is up for grabs if you are trying to mount to metal surface.
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Re: Help installing DS12 door sensor on garage door
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2011, 03:18:44 PM »

What is the detection rate of the magnet that comes with the DS12A?
The magnet set you used does it come with the wires to connect to it or is that something else I need to factor in?
Any size/gauge wire will work?

Still have to deal with "adding" the magnet to the door. 
Epoxy hu?  Looks like I need to talk to someone at the hardware store perhaps.
You should see how messed up the current magnet housing is based on the damage the cable has done to it.
OUCH!  :'
Big John's Place on ebay has switch/magnet combos for $3.  He doesn't list them but if you email or send him a message.  They worked great for me as I have two locations where a 12A is covering two daisy chained windows (use bell wire).  As Brian mentioned, I didn't register the internal switch.  You probably are going to have to innovate relative to mounting though!
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