Hi everyone, new guy here. I have successfully installed AHP on my windows WHS 2011 server. I have added my first camera, which for the most part works but does seem to cut in and out off and on. I have added the TM751 and can turn it off and on via the AHP program. What i am unable to do is add the second, third and forth camera. As soon as I plug in the second camera (Addressed as A2) it immediately knocks the other off air. When I go to assign it, even though I I have both of them listed in their zones, I am only able to commit 1 camera to "Stream 1" there is no ability to add a second stream, even with the check mark to enable multiple streams. Also I am unable to turn Camera a1 off with the remote which according to the instructions is required to add another camera? My remote is the newer one (CR14A) which I have my color camera setup on the pan n Tilt ninja. Like I said it works and I can control it, moving it etc..BUT as soon as I plug in the XX20 camera, the color is knocked off the air. Any ideas?
I am using the CM19A and VA12A