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Author Topic: sc 1200 programing over taken zone  (Read 2757 times)


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sc 1200 programing over taken zone
« on: December 19, 2011, 11:48:02 AM »

has anyone had issues with this unit and adding new sensors and they program over a existing zone? i just realized last night that this has been happening since i got the unit a year ago. every time i add a new sensor it treys to program over my zone3. everything works for a day or so then i get a zone 3 error. i have ended up taking out the sensors that i thought were causing the trouble until this morning. Zone 3 is a motion so i pulled it took it out of the system replaced batteries and programmed it back in. hopefully this solves the issue. i would like to get my back rooms monitored again instead of getting rid of this system and going to something with better range
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