Did some calculations.
50 feet of wire. 25 feet to the camera and 25 feet back.
Number 20 wire. If the camera draws 1 amp there is a .5 volt loss. At 2 amps there is a 1 volt loss.
POE uses a pair of wires for each voltage.
Pair 4 and 5 for positive. Pair 7 and 8 for negative.
Network cable comes in a few different gauges. #24 is common and what I used.
Pair of #24 wires. If the camera draws 1 amp there is a .6425 volt loss. At 2 amps there is a 1.285 volt loss.
I have seen some economical network cable using #26 and the losses would be higher.
I have seen some premium network cable using #22 and the losses would be less.
Losses maybe slightly higher or lower. Depending on wire type and the temperature.