I wish i could help more but the only thing i found that related to your question which you may have found your self but ill post it just in case
this is from
http://www.networkcamerareviews.com/forums/about4971.htmlMaybe there a solution there.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2011
Posts: 8
PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:18 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Hi swabygw
There should be an ocx that comes with the IE viewer. It is probably called IPCam902.ocx but might be the slightly older version of this called DVM_IPCam2.ocx. As mentioned earlier I have incorporated this into my own VB6 application. The 2 way audio does work fine. In my project the ocx control is called DVM_IPCam21. The steps I take in the VB6 application are:
DVM_IPCam21.MonitorConnect mstrIPAddress, mstrIPPort, "admin", ""
Then, in the DVM_IPCam21_OnMonitorConnectResult event:
Private Sub DVM_IPCam21_OnMonitorConnectResult(ByVal Result As Integer, ByVal Pri As Integer)
If Result = 0 Then
DVM_IPCam21.OSD = 2
mnuAudio.Enabled = True
Debug.Print "Bad connect: " & Result
End If
End Sub
I use a separate menu item to turn the 2-way audio on or off as I have several cameras and only want audio from the selected one.:
Private Sub mnuAudio_Click()
If mnuAudio.Caption = "Audio Off" Then
mnuAudio.Caption = "Audio On"
mnuAudio.Caption = "Audio Off"
End If
End Sub
Unfortunately the ocx does not expose the hWnd of the control so, for VB6 I have to use the rather clumsy subclassing mechanism to be able to sense mouse events on the control. I do this because, instead of using some other control to move the camera I want to do it via mouse down events on the display itself - takes up no "real estate" on the screen that way. I can supply code snippets for this if you would like them.