Bought the same system for the father in law. Seems there is a problem with distance of the sensors / console. Setting this up over the phone with him, I had him sit at the table with the console. One by one he inserted the batteries, then registered the sensor at the table. Once it was registered I had him pull the magnet away from the body to make sure that it would sound the tone. All of this was done within 2 -3 feet of the console. Once all were working then I had him mount the sensors where ever he wanted, doors / windows. This is were the problems started. Most of the ones that were within 20 feet and in line of sight of the console worked. The ones that were farther and had walls in between had problems, some, not all. There are a bunch of posts here modifying equipment to try to solve this problem. We are still trying to resolve this problem and am leaning towards hard wiring the farther areas and using zones 31 & 32 in the console. If I knew of this problem earlier I probably wouldn't have purchased it.
PS. when registering each sensor I had him write the zone number on the corresponding sensor on the cover and the back of the sensor. This way when the console tells you it has a problem with sensor XX he will know which one to go to. Would think X10 could put in a sheet of numbers that could be applied to the sensor cases for this head ache.