i talked to the tech dept @ x10.com back in mid FEB
and thats how i found out about these couplers
true smarthome has discontinued them
and to the catalog @ x10.com there is a link on the page just below the chat with departments links bout the 3rd in from the right
Smarthome was the only company to make dryer socket repeaters or couplers. X10 never made them and I doubt they would consider it now with their limited manufacturing capabilities.
You could wire a repeater to a dryer plug yourself. Or JD Digital Engineering might put a dryer plug on their XTBIIR repeater for you. They are very responsive to customer special needs. I own X10, Leviton, Smarthome, ACT, and the XTBIIR repeaters and the XTBIIR is superior to all the others, with ACT coming in second. (IMO).