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Author Topic: XX40A PTZ Outdoor camera - Pan Tilt functions won't respond from computer dial  (Read 9380 times)


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I purchased my XX40A PTZ only 3 weeks ago.  I brought it up to my vacation home where my internet speed is much slower than the cable in my primary home.  I have installed the software and connected it to my home network successfully.   I can use my computer to connect to the camera and I can see the live feed.  What I can't do is use the dial in the UI to move the camera around.  Actually, I'm having two problems.

Problem #1: The camera doesn't respond to the PTZ dial on the computer UI.   Incidentally, I have seen the camera move around inside the dome.  If I unplug it, and then plug it back in, the camera will move around.  I assume it is centering itself.  Is it possible that it won't respond because of my slow internet connection? (512Kb/s)

Problem #2: I can't access the camera from outside my home network.  My dns address is, but I get an time out error when I try to use it.



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I had a problem with it being jerky when using the dial. Fixed by point the wireless router in that direction. For your issue you might not be getting a good enough wireless signal to the camera.


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I purchased my XX40A PTZ only 3 weeks ago.  I brought it up to my vacation home where my internet speed is much slower than the cable in my primary home.  I have installed the software and connected it to my home network successfully.   I can use my computer to connect to the camera and I can see the live feed.  What I can't do is use the dial in the UI to move the camera around.  Actually, I'm having two problems.

Problem #1: The camera doesn't respond to the PTZ dial on the computer UI.   Incidentally, I have seen the camera move around inside the dome.  If I unplug it, and then plug it back in, the camera will move around.  I assume it is centering itself.  Is it possible that it won't respond because of my slow internet connection? (512Kb/s)

Problem #2: I can't access the camera from outside my home network.  My dns address is, but I get an time out error when I try to use it.

easy answer first.. I dont think the is live anymore.. most people i think now have it not sure if you replace that but you may have to call x10 for that.

Have you tried the IPCam Client and see if it works ok that way?

I recently as of today had problems where i could not access the video using IE with the IPCamera Tool but It worked fine on the same computer using the IP Camera Client.

Your slowest may be because of slow internet connect.. I know using my cell phone ipcam app, it takes slightly longer before the pan/tilt activates.



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I too xx40a camera but I would like to know where I can buy the software so I can re-download it to my company because it stop working. Please let me thank you.


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  • I don't work for X10, I use it successfuly!

X10 WTI supplied Airsight Software freely however with server issues this is not currently available.
I use to have a copy of this, however I found the Easyn version better as its usage isn't limited to their cameras only
The  Easyn software :CentralManagement System is very similar (almost identical), free and will allow other WiFi camera brands to connect.
You might also wish to look at ispy (also free) open source camera viewing software.
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  • I don't work for X10, I use it successfuly!

I too xx40a camera but I would like to know where I can buy the software so I can re-download it to my company because it stop working. Please let me thank you.
I found a copy of the Airsight client software this was a free distribution from x10WTI.
 I'm unsure as yet if it will work with the newly released X10 Airsights.
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