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Author Topic: Active Pro and All lights off  (Read 2135 times)


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Active Pro and All lights off
« on: June 30, 2014, 07:20:59 PM »

I have used X-10 for 50 years and am in my fourth X-10 equipped home. I have about twenty modules installed. Some are Smart Home units. My problem:

I have two X-10 modules, a wall dimmer and an appliance mod programmed to turn on via the Active Pro Ap.

The wall switch (new X-10 product) is unreliable in turning on and setting the dim level properly and does not usually respond to Off commands from AHP. I need to manually turn it off at the switch.

The appliance module just started to ignore the AHP programmed off command. It does respond to a manual All Lights Off from an old style IR543 Powerhouse Command Center. I would like to have AHP issue an All lights Off command but can't find that function.

I have a Square D cross coupler installed at the main circuit breaker box. B:(

Brian H

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Re: Active Pro and All lights off
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2014, 06:12:04 AM »

X10 Wall Switches after 2007 have Soft Start and Resume Dim features. That maybe contributing to your findings.

Smarthome modules use a different dim command. %Dim or the original full On then Dim down.

Appliance Modules do not respond All Lights Off command found on a few X10 controllers and remotes. They do respond to the All Units Off command found on almost all X10 controllers, remotes and in AHP.
What revision of AHP are you using? The later revision added support for the Soft Start Models and have two Lights Modules Lists.

Your description of the issues. Could be power line signal problems.
Any new or moved electronic devices in the home? New lighting like LED or CFL bulbs?
There is a good set of tutorials on the JV Engineering web pages. That may assist you. Jeff recently updated them to a PDF format.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 07:03:31 AM by Brian H »
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