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Author Topic: help turning off porch light via K19A  (Read 11298 times)


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Re: help turning off porch light via K19A
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2015, 12:19:30 PM »

Good to know.  I guess that means that, for me, a modified CM15A antenna is a better option (as currently installed).


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Re: help turning off porch light via K19A
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2015, 06:14:40 PM »

Out of curiosity, if you press the remote button next to the TM751, does the light turn on quicker?  I assumed that the SR751 simply echoed the commands it heard at the same time, but perhaps that's not the case.
Yes, the light responds faster when it's only communicating with the TM751.  The SR751 definitely takes an extra second or so to relay the signal.  Since I have a extra button on the remote, I went ahead & installed a second switch for an post light in the front yard :'  .  I notice I have to wait an extra second or two after I push the #1 button before the #2 button will send a signal (so total time for both lights to activate is about 4-5 seconds).  It could be either "waiting for the air to clear", or I just takes extra time to transmit since it's not on the same phase.  This weekend, I'll try plugging the SR751 in to the same phase & see if that has any impact on response time.  I figure the least I can do is be a test subject, after ya'll have been so helpful.   ;D


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Re: help turning off porch light via K19A
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2015, 06:18:26 PM »

You never day as you sit proudly controlling lights from your car, you may get the bug like we have!  My home is definitely automated.  I use motion sensors extensively to operate lights throughout my home.  One day a few years ago, my wife walked into the laundry room with an arm full of clothes.  The system is designed to turn the light on, but a failed component (a TW523 hooked to WGL receiver) didn't turn the lights on for her.  I heard her say "what the heck is going on"?  She had become so reliant on the system, that she set the load down in the dark and came to tell me both lights must have burned out simultaneously.  I went with her and turned on the light with the switch.  She laughed, realizing that was what most people use when they enter a dark room...but since she hadn't used a light switch in various rooms for almost 10 years - she politely told me I better darn well get my system fixed!
LOL,"get" the bug?  Your story made me realize I already have it to some degree.  It's been so long that I didn't make the mental connection  that I already have one light at the weekday home  on a remote sensor,  in a small section hallway that didn't have a fixture.  That lead me to recall the Honeywell remote control on the heat & air system at the weekend cabin.  I've just taken another step on the slippery slope, haven't i?  (see post above  :' )

dave w

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Re: help turning off porch light via K19A
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2015, 06:35:06 PM »

This weekend, I'll try plugging the SR751 in to the same phase & see if that has any impact on response time.  I figure the least I can do is be a test subject, after ya'll have been so helpful.   ;D
Since the SR751 repeats only the RF signal, the powerline phases should not make a difference. Even with a quick push of the Palm Pad remote it will resend the command several times (5?). To avoid collisions the SR751 can't transmit until the remote is done, so delay is probably the nature of the beast.
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Re: help turning off porch light via K19A
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2015, 06:55:34 PM »

I guess that means that, for me, a modified CM15A antenna is a better option (as currently installed).
Yes! As I have previously posted, it's fairly easy to make big improvements in RF range merely by improving receiving antennas. And, I have rued the fact that the new X10 has opted to push a repeater (a really poor solution) rather than address the real problem. Methinks the new X10 ain't so new in terms of design and marketing philosophy.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 06:57:22 PM by dhouston »
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