Apologies in advance if this is covered elsewhere in the forums. I've searched for an hour now, and hit so many broken links, that I decide to plow ahead an post.
We are using the CM17A module to signal the X10 tranciever module to turn off/on 3 lights here at work. We are using to drive a trafic light light so the engineer staff gets a green/yellow/red status of the night's builds.
The problem started when the Linux box the CM17A wazs connected to was shutdown unexpectedly due to heating problems -- the data center popped a circuit breaker on the HVAC system, and data center staff shut down non-essential systems. Since that time, the system doesn't work. (yes, power is restored to the Linux box.)
We use Bottlerocket to send a signal to the CM17A, but I can't tell if the CM17A received the signal. Nor can I tell if the X10 tranceiver module received the signal from the X10. I just now that the X10 tranceiver module and the two appliance modules do not respond to the signals sent through bottlerocket.
I removed the CM17A from the Linux box and connected it to the back of my Windows 7 box. The problem is, I can't find software to drive the CM17A module. What I can find, I can't install because msvcr70.dll is missing from my system (or it can't be found). I have MSVCR100.dll, but that's not what the installer is looking for. And in any event, I'm only doing this in an effort to verify that the CM17A, X10 Tranceiver and X10 Appliance modules are still good. The protocol for driving the CM17A is gone from whatever links I find.
Any help would be appreciated.
Maybe it is time to put the crowbar into the wallet and buy new equipment!