I don't have many HA apps manly because I don't have many hubs.
what I'm looking for from other users is a comparison of AH apps they have with the X10WIFI app
It doesn't matter if they don't control X10.
SmartThings appNo, I don't have a smartthings HUB so no questions about it please!
However I do control X10 with the app just not with the WM100.
The X10WIFI app has lots of similarities to the SmartThings app.
The SmartThings app has many more options but it has had the time to grow and the X10Wifi app designer may be able to use this app as a guide for improvements.
This has some of the things users are hoping to see in the WiFi app
1: Configurable for use with many (SmartThing) hubs and the ability to name each.
2: Rearranging of devices(things), rooms, and scenes as well it can reorder of devices in each rooms
3: Skills, for Alexa, Google and Cortana
4: Automation ,Smartthings calls these Routines which are basicaly scenes that have a trigger
However the X10Wifi scenes are better, Smartthings has no delays in neither the scenes or routines