I'm pretty psyched about my Raspberry Pi Zero W arriving tomorrow. I've loved X10 for many years, but am less than enthusiastic about having a dedicated PC running 24/7.
I've already written the PiX10Hub image to a 64gb micro sd card, and have cleared the memory from a second, back-up CM15a I have. At least, I think it's cleared.
That's my question, is plugging in the CM15 to the Active Home PC and clearing the memory using Tools --> Clear Interface Memory. Is that all that is required?
I thought I saw something about preparing the CM15 here on the board, but now I can't find it.
Is there anything else I should be doing? This almost seems too easy and I find that a bit scary!
Many thanks to Tuicemen, Petra, Dave and all the others for all the great work on this!