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Author Topic: Universal Designs ISY994i discontinued.  (Read 5300 times)

Brian H

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Universal Designs ISY994i discontinued.
« on: January 16, 2023, 06:17:20 AM »

Universal Designs has officially discontinued their ISY994i and the Polisy and now EISDY small commuter are replacing it.
Have had mine in use for the whole 16 years.
I wish more companies would support their produces as well as they have.


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Re: Universal Designs ISY994i discontinued.
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2024, 09:07:50 PM »

I just noticed this. Yes it is true that the ISY has been replaced, by something much better and with a free mobile app, and a wide range (I have not counted exactly but it is between 75 and 100) of plug ins, and it supports X-10, Insteon, Zwave, Zigbee and Z Matter. It is also seen as a Skill in Alexa so Alexa can command everything in your EISY, plus things like Wyze (who jealously guards their code and for which a plug in is not available).

They (UD, the parent company) will eventually quit supporting ISY, but any suggestion that they are folding their tent is not accurate.

I also see that, perhaps on the mistaken assumption that ISY is history and the replacement is not as good led to the taking down of the ISY child forum. I respectfully suggest it be replaced by an EISY child board.

Universal Devices has a website.

Brian H

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Re: Universal Designs ISY994i discontinued.
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2024, 11:15:41 AM »

For now.
This child board maybe the best place for the UDI products for now.
I did see the message indicating it's own child board maybe possible.
Though I also agree. Not too many X10 users have a UDI product here.
Or other controllers that have been working for many years now or the lower priced HUB.
Some with X10 Pi Hubs on a Raspberry Pi.


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Re: Universal Designs ISY994i discontinued.
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2024, 11:09:03 PM »

Brian... I consider you the authority here...

"Not too many X10 users have a UDI product here."

Likely for lots of reasons, one of which might be that it is virtually invisible as an option on this Board? I can name a handfull of old timer X-10'er's like us on this board who all use UDI, yourself included.

I get it that we are from a purely low budget, MacGuyver style,  DIY generation, of HA'er's, but I personally think that the future of X-10 in HA lies in showing it's strengths, and giving options to integrate it into other mixed systems. Staying with the hobbyist, DIY stuff will hasten the demise of X-10 IMHO, which would be too bad.

Just my 2 cents.

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