Hello everyone. I'm just wondering if anyone has ever repaired, or know of typical causes of failure for the TW523 or PSC05 powerline interfaces. I have two of them that seem to have the same problem: they appear to transmit something when requested to do so, but the signal seems weak or corrupted, and appears to be retried several times (from watching my ELK ESM1 signal meter). I have a device at address F3 that turns on when the command to turn on E3 is sent. There is a single bit pattern difference between the two house codes in the X10 protocol. Several other devices on those two house codes don't work at all. The same modules work fine when commands are sent from a WM100, or from another, known good PSC05.
My first guess would be bad capacitors and although none appear swelled or anything, I'll probably try replacing those first. I am just asking if anyone has experienced any "typical" failure of these devices.