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Author Topic: X 10 modules randomly turn on  (Read 20 times)


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X 10 modules randomly turn on
« on: Today at 01:23:01 PM »

Hello all.  I looked through the threads on this forum and there was a topic started back in 2011 about my problem.  Many knowledgeable participants traced the problem to "new" smart electric meters.  Nothing new has been posted since 2012. We do have a smart electric meter but it has been installed for over a year and has not been a problem up to now.  About a week ago I started experiencing random modules turning on lights in the house.  I started the usual troubleshooting using RF filters on devices in the house.  Replacing and then removing the phase to phase coupler in the breaker panel.  Isolating individual modules to see if one was somehow feeding back into the system.  Clearing all programming on the timer controller and generally ripping my hair out.  Is it time to abandon this old technology which will be very expensive or has someone recently found a fix?  Thanks for reading and for responding if you do. 


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Re: X 10 modules randomly turn on
« Reply #1 on: Today at 01:42:48 PM »

Aside from the timer, what other controllers/remotes do you have? When I had a similar problem years ago, it turned out to be a Mini Controller that had gone bad.  It's probably not a noise problem as that would usually block signals rather than cause false signals. It's also unlikely to be a neighbor's controller since not many neighbors will be using X10 today, although it is possible.

What timer are you using? To eliminate the timer as the culprit, you could leave it unplugged for 24 hours and see if there's still a problem.
If there re other controllers/transceivers do the same - one at a time - to find the problem.

Lastly, what new things have you plugged in recently? Chargers, LED lamps, etc.  While these won't usually cause false signals, they're worth looking at.  Also remember that a "wall wart" may not cause problems for years and all of a sudden cause problems while still working.


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Re: X 10 modules randomly turn on
« Reply #2 on: Today at 04:00:26 PM »

brobin.  Thanks for the reply.  I'm a rather low tech household.  There are no other controllers of any type in use.  The system just controls lights inside of the house by means of the small MT 14A time clock.  Virtually nothing new has been added to the house circuits in months.  The problem started about 10 days ago.    I have been going through the house isolating plugged in loads using the little RF noise filter module and no luck so far.  If I could make that Head Banging  emoji work I would use it!  :-)

As far as a neighbor using the system and interfering with my modules, I have changed house codes.  The occurrence is very random so unless someone close is watching me and just sending commands, I don't think that is the problem. 

One thing I didn't mention is the next door neighbor has installed solar panels but that was done a couple of weeks before this started.  Those inverters that change the solar panel's DC to AC are dirty as heck.  The thing is, I should have seen the problem immediately if that was it. 

I did not know that the "Wall Wort" switching type power supplies could act up after a while so that is something I will have to look at.  Continuing to use the RF filter and trying everything is still going on.  If I stumble on something I'll let you know. 

I have just ordered a PZZ01 external filter that I may try as a last resort in case the problem is external. 

Wish me luck and thank you again.


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Re: X 10 modules randomly turn on
« Reply #3 on: Today at 04:31:20 PM »

Good luck!  I don't think the PZZ01 will solve it but you'll soon find out.  To install it you'll want to have an electrician involved as it requires the neutral from the meter to the panel to be run through a hole through the device.
The MT14A is more likely the culprit, particularly if it's old.  See:
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