The Good:
Straight out of the box, AH module, 3 lamps
1 appliance and 3 cameras all work great.
The Bad:
Bloat. Screen text too large, not scalable.
Too many animations (memory, clock) in
general the GUI looks like a childs game.
Uses WAY too much memory. I write chip
simulation code that's faster and tighter,
you can too.
C'mon guys get your marketing people off the
Meth and give us a break. Salacious pop ups,
reams of email and a website that looks like
a whorehouse in Las Vegas are insult enough.
Is it necessary to have 2 dozen push buttons
and panels trying to sell me MORE stuff in
the software? This is Adware. As such, I'd
like my $49.99 back. Radio stations don't
pay you to advertise, I'm not interested in
paying you for it either.
(hint: code more stuff, less fluff)