I have recently downloaded AHP version 3.20
and since I've experienced software
lockups, timers very erratic in that a
programmed light for the living room floor
lamp for instance, set to come on at a
security programmed time of 4:20 PM, comes
on anywhere from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM. I
have found the lights coming on several
hours earlier than they are suppose to, on
all of the other modules whether they be
wall switch or regular lamp modules even
for a security setting. Do you plan on a
complete new re-write of the code or do you
think you can fix this problem. I've had
timer issues as far back as the old serial
CM11A controller but I've fixed that by
changing the batteries, that does not fix
the problem with the CM15A controller.
Note, this timer problem and software
lockup did not just start with 3.20, I've
had it with 3.19?, it just seemed to carry
over to the new software version. Also for
some reason, when plugging in the USB cable
into the controller, the computer does not
recognize the controller, I have to remove
at least one battery to get the computer to
see the controller, then make my editing