First of all: When AHP is loaded the second
time, is there an icon on the lower left
hand side that looks a red circle and line
throught it. Yes - this means that AHP is
not recognizing that you have the VA11A
drivers loaded. Check in Control
Panel/System/Hardware and make sure that
you have the appropriate drivers loaded. Do
you dis-connect the USB cables? It is
possible that the computer/OS is not
loading the drivers when you re-load AHP.
Do you completly shut down your computer or
just put it in suspend or hibernate modes?
Again the OS/computer might not be loading
the drivers properly. Close AHP, dis-
connect your VA11A and re-connect it, make
sure that the drivers are loaded before
running AHP. You might have to switch USB
ports being used for the VA11A. You
shouldn't have to re-install AHP everytime
that you have this problem. You might have
to re-start the computer to get things to
work properly. I hope this helps.