Here is a quick overview of what I see:
I set the server to display the multi camera
grid (4X4) and then press the scan camera
button so the cameras will just continuously
scan through my most of my 10 cameras for 15
seconds each. This works great at the
When I remote attach through IE, and display
the video, the scanning continues but all
the images display in one of the 4X4 boxes,
it doesn't change to the box associated with
the appripriate camera (also the lable on
the bottom doesn't change).
If I stop the scanning after I connect with
the remote client, I can change camera's
with the tabs or with the next camera icon
and it displays in the appropriate 4X$ box
If I start the scanning again from the
remote client, the images only display in
the last 4X4 box that was being used.
Hope that helps.
Let me know if you would like access to my
thanks for all your help..