Scenario: I set up a conditional macro
(using the advanced option) with the first
condition 'Date between Dec 1- Dec 7' and
action 'set flag 1'. I use the 'add ELSE'
button and add condition 'Date is exactly
Dec 6' with an action step of 'set flag 2'.
When I trigger this macro, both flag 1 and 2
get set-- the IF statement executed (and the
condition step was true, so the action step
got executed) and then the ELSE statement
also executed (and since its condition was
true, its action got executed).
I would expect that once the first condition
was satisifed, the ELSE step (and contion
test) would not execute. Is this correct
behavior? If so, ELSE doesn't really
describe the type of conditional that's
being constructed.
It seems like 'Add Else' is just adding
another conditional statement that will
always be tested, even if the first IF is