To whom it may concern:
I am having many many problems with the X10
equipment: I am relatively
computer/electronics literate===> I have
never been so frustrated with any
electronics I ever bought. If you can help
(with step by step directions), I would
really appreciate it.
1) STOP key on VCR COMMANDER 2 doesn't work
properly==> therefore, how can I record
using motion sensor?
2) I just want to set up 2 cameras with
motion sensors so that vcr records one or
the other. I'm in an apartment. I have 1
camera in living room; receiver in 2nd
bedroom; I absolutely cannot find any other
place in living room where receiver shows
camera #2--> it only works where there is a
receiver and a few doors perpendicular to
bedroom; but, as soon as I get to living
room, it stops working.
3. Then I tried hooking up the USB
converter to my computer. No matter how
many times I rebooted, the X10 drivers
would not shop up[only intel camera]; If I
managerd to somehow get x10 driverss to
start installying, the computer would die.
I have all the necessary software:
multiview, web-multiview, razor-
vision,...could someone please tell me what
I need to do? NOTHING is working (except 1
basic tape being recorded to vcr)!!!
4. One of the programs I ran gave me an
error message of something like: "cannot
run '' file"? I have Windows XP
Prof. Again, I could not go on!!!