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Author Topic: Outdoor Siren  (Read 5256 times)


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Outdoor Siren
« on: February 10, 2005, 02:39:02 PM »

When is X10 going to make an actual outdoor
siren!?! Basically if someone cuts the phone
line, my system is dead, unless someone is
standing within 3ft of my home to hear the 3
Large Powerhorn sirens.  So with a cut phone
line, the only other hope is neighbours who
would only know of a problem if they could
hear a loud siren.

I'm not putting a regular horn outside. I
want a special outdoors one. Also, I don't
want the neighbours to think there's a bird
stuck in my vent like the traditional sirens.

x10 should design a good outdoor siren that
sounds like a real siren. Who can we e-mail
to suggest this?

Does x10 read e-mails anymore?


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Re: Outdoor Siren
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2005, 10:42:18 AM »

I couldn't agree more with you. I purchaced
4 power horns and they are definately ear
piercing. But the only way the neighbors can
hear them is if there installed outside. I
have some old outdoor sirens from radio
shack still brand new in the box. These are
even louder than the x10 power horns!! I'm
trying to think of a way to activate these
with the x10 powerhouse. I do believe I have
the solution. But x10 needs to come up with
an outdoor siren. Hopefully X10 will read
these suggestions in the forums. I really do
think this company has great ideas. But they
need to get some bugs out


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Re: Outdoor Siren
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2005, 07:46:02 PM »

ever find a solution... i am in the same
boat.  siren is the weakest part of their

Brian H

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Re: Outdoor Siren
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2005, 12:50:23 PM »

If you can control the Siren with a switch
closure. The X10 Universal Module has a dry
contact output. Check what the siren needs
to see if the UM506 contacts are rated to
the sirens needs. The Black and Decker
FWLROD is a neat type module. Weather
resistant and looks like a 2' extension cord
with a box in the center. Clunks like an
Appliance Module and programs like a Socket
Rocket. They still maybe around as B&D
dropped the line and other vendors are
selling them. Nice for controll ing outdoor
120VAC devices. Big Note: The B&D modules
ara X10 compatible the remotes are not with
X10 remotes; but the B&D Messenger Hub with
its own remotes can control X10 Line Signal
Devices. If you have a X10 Security System.
You may want to look at the messages
relating to the SS-300 Sonic Siren.

Brian H

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Re: Outdoor Siren
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2005, 02:48:38 PM »

Forget I mentioned the Universal Module. It
does not respond to an All Lights ON command
that is what the DS7000 sends when it is


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Re: Outdoor Siren
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2005, 06:06:50 PM »

"If you can control the Siren with a switch
closure. The X10 Universal Module has a dry
contact output."
I have the ds7000 system.  I have a
radioshack 122bd siren that is really loud!
it is a 12v .5amp siren with a seperate
powers source the leads can be connected to
anything... I am going to try and hook that
siren up to this ==>   POWERFLASH Burglar
Alarm Interface (PF284)
I may have found a solution. I'll post again
if it works.

Brian H

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Re: Outdoor Siren
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2005, 07:27:31 PM »

Fish; No the PF284 does not have an external
switched output. The terminals on the PF284
are an Input. When you close then it SENDS
an X10 signal back onto the power line. It
will not close an output and turn ON the
siren. The universal output module UM506 has
a output switch that could close the sirens
needed connection. Only problem is the
DS7000 sends out a All Lights ON and All
Units OFF command when triggered and the
Universal Module ignores the All Lights ON
command. Maybe you could use a Lamp Module
and a 120VAC type relay to do it. Just plug
the relay into the module and use its
contacts to sound the siren. Though the
relay may chatter from the Local Control
Sensing circuit in the lamp module. If I can
find a 120VAC relay in my stash of things. I
will try it.

Brian H

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Re: Outdoor Siren
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2005, 07:01:58 AM »

Fish; The lamp module may also not work
correctly. When the alarm times out. The
DS7000 leaves the lamps ON. That would keep
the external siren sounding. Interesting
note. The larger PH508 has an area on the PC
board where X10;at one time must have had
plans to add an external relay. It is not
populated, I have seen a modification to add
the relay, but the author didn't have a
relay model that fit the hole pattern on the
board. I may see if I can find one.
www.pigs,com is where the mofafication is

Brian H

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Re: Outdoor Siren
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2005, 04:45:39 PM »

Error in web address


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Re: Outdoor Siren
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2005, 05:39:37 PM »

Thanks Brian, but that is over my
electronical expertise.  I did, however put
the site into my favorites and may come back
it this summer.
I found a working solution... as long as my
lamp module does not blow or short.


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Re: Outdoor Siren
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2005, 05:52:11 PM »

Loud alarm solution...
I set a lamp module to #5 and the same
letter as my DS7000 system.  To that lamp
module I connected a 24hour security timer
(walmart dial type, 15 minute intervals).
The timer is plugged into the lamp control
set to sound for 15 minutes and then turn
off for 23hrs and 45 mins.  I then connected
a radioshack siren set to test(so as soon as
it gets power it sounds) the siren draws 24w
@0.5amp the motion detector is disabled.

What happens... the alarm is triggered and
lamps start flashing... the siren chips on
and off while the system goes off too(lights
on/off cycle).  Then the lights go all on
after 4 minutes of on/off.  Now the siren
would sound until it is unplugged, but there
is a lamp timer(walmart) plugged in first,
so the siren pulses for 4 minutes then
sounds for another 14 minutes then the timer
turns the siren off even though the lights
are still on.  24 hours later, if the alarm
is not reset, the timer would sound again...
(this also tells me the time of the
triggered alarm working backwards).
This seems to work, but might short out the
lamp timer?  I'll see when it is triggered
and left on for a long period of time.
Works great for a 1 minute test.

Brian H

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Re: Outdoor Siren
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2005, 06:31:00 PM »

Well if it works for you and is
satisfactory, good. I will still  be
snooping around for other ways to go. Will
post if I find anything. I am toying with a
replacement relay for inside a lamp module.
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