Hi all,
Just recieved my DS7000 and assorted
security componets yesterday. I finished
installing 13 door/window sensors and 3
motion detectors today. It all went very,
very well. I encountered only two issues -
a door/window sensor that added an extra
switch to was showing open. Turned out I
had the magnet placed too far from the
switch so that was my fault. The other
issue, and I haven't figured out what to do
with this yet, is a motion detector in an
unheated storage building that dropped out
over night then reappeared this morning.
I'm assuming it's the cold that is causing
the battery to weaken which is decreasing
the RF range until it no longer makes it.
Aside from those two - it's good, real
good! Thanks to everyone that posted to
this forum. I knew what to expect and how
to avoid the problems that you have already