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Author Topic: Kudos to X10 !  (Read 4826 times)


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Kudos to X10 !
« on: December 04, 2004, 09:29:17 AM »

Getting closer to what your customers
want,  X10 ! I was very gratified to see
that the  voucher system for the Macro
upgrade that I  suggested when the upgrade
first became  available has been
implemented....BRAVO !  However, I am going
wait just a little  while longer until the
vouchers cover ALL  of the X10 products,
such as the Ninja  camera systems, ect,
ect. I ,  unfortunately, (or not, as the
case may be)  already HAVE all switches,
socket rockets,  ect ect... that I
currently need. Please,  X10, could you
make this voucher good for  the camera
systems ? I have been looking to  invest
(fairly large scale) into a decent  camera
system, and just needed the  justification
(fer the wifey, dont ya know)  to begin the
buying process. And, the $50  voucher
program is just the incentive and
justification I need ! ! !  But, that
aside, I just want to express my
appreciation to see that your customers
views WEREN'T being ignored ! Kudos to
X10 ! !
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