Matt: What make/model of modules are
they? There are two standards for sending
a "preset dim" command. AH Pro only
supports the newer "Extended Dim" command
which is used in their 2-way lamp modules.
It does not support the older "preset dim"
command since X10 never made any modules
that use that command. Some third-party
manufacturers (SmartHome for one) do use
the old “preset dim” command though, so if
you have one of those modules, you cannot
use that functionality with the current
revision of software.
To use the "Exceeded Dim" command, set the
module as a 2-way lamp module. It will
then use that command when you do a set
absolute level. If that doesn't work, you
are out of luck. X10 does not seem eager
to support functionality that only third-
party modules have.