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Author Topic: Stopping a Macro  (Read 6260 times)


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Stopping a Macro
« on: April 29, 2005, 11:29:04 AM »

How about this:
Everyone (I hope) knows that a macro is only
given a single address (A1 ON, C5 OFF, m7
ON, etc). However, it would be nice if there
would be an option, when creating the macro,
to give it a SECOND address, that would
effectively STOP the macro, at whatever
point it is running. For example, let's say
you have macro "A1 ON", that turns on light
C1, then waits 10 minutes, then turns on C2,
waits another 10 minutes, and then turns
both off.
Pressing "A1 ON" will turn on C1, and then
the timer starts ticking away. If you
press "A1 OFF" during this time, it would
stop the macro, and it would NOT turn on C2,
or turn off C1.
Pressing "A1 OFF" AFTER C2 turns on, would
leave both lights on.

I know that there must be a way this can be
done using flags, and nested macros, but it
would be nice if there would be a way that
it could be built into the software.
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