Before you spend any money, verify that the switch box includes the neutral wire required for the ToggleLinc.
To program the ToggleLinc, you'll need an X10 transmitter. For your particular application an X10 MiniController will _probably_ do, although it will limit you to setting the unit codes to the 1-8 range. (More advanced features of the ToggleLinc require a transmitter like the X-10 MaxiController which can send sequences of Housecode|Unit address codes _without_ function codes, but it doesn't appear that your setup could use any of these advanced features.)
BTW, if you're just using lamps where the bulb is oriented base-down and there's enough space in the harp, you might consider using a X10 LM15A "Socket Rocket" controller in each lamp. They'll avoid the hassle of installing the receptacles and they switch silently (the receptacles click when they switch). (Disclaimer: I have no personal experience with them so can't speak to their reliability. I've seen complaints about LM15A failures from the heat when the bulb is oriented base-up under the unit, like in a ceiling fixture.)