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Author Topic: X10 IR10A iconRemote Review  (Read 43375 times)


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X10 IR10A iconRemote Review
« on: March 14, 2007, 09:48:13 AM »

X10 IR10 iconRemote Review

My first impulse remote control buy.  I'm on the fence after a week of using it.  It was supposed to replace all my remotes (tv, cable, dvd, surround) but I still need to pick up my old remotes every so often because the remote has either failed to learn the remote code or fails to transmit the code learned.  I think that I could have found a Harmony 880 Remote in a superstore for  $129 if I would have waited a little longer.  I'll hope and pray that this remote morphs into something that I want it to be. 


Unboxing the remote you are presented with a hefty remote with alot of well aligned buttons.  Batteries are included!!  Pop in the batteries and you're presented with a wizard to setup your device(s) and you're on your way.  Within a minute, I had my tv, cable box, dvd, and surround sound setup.  There is no learning curve as you simply follow the instructions on the lcd.  No need for a computer and usb cable for remote codes.  Granted I did not receive a manual in my shipment; only a one page quick reference guide.  I'm glad that X10 is appeciative of my high level thinking.

I ran into some problems after using the learn feature.  If I programmed the soft keys at the top of the remote with a learned code and then tried to use that key it would not work.  I don't know if this was user error or a device error.  Hard keys always worked. I'll perform a master clear over the weekend and try again and call X10 if that doesn't work.

The DVR functions of my Motorola Cablebox did not work.  I was about 5 seconds into learning the rewind button when it dawned on me that it might be another code for motorola dvr cable boxes and indeed there was one that worked with my box.

In the FAQ for the device it reads this:

Q: Can I control X10 lights and appliances with the iconRemote?
A: Yes! All you need is the Infrared Mini-Controller and it will control your X10 gear too!

I've tried but failed in getting X10 IR codes to transmit from the remote.  I've made a tv device with the default cord 999 and 998 for X10 and nothing seems to work.  I'll call X10 about this one.

Macros are another feature that I have not tried but from the manual it looks like it was poorly designed.

Overall I'll give it a 7/10.   It saves me from using 4 remotes but I do have to pull it out for some select features that can't be learned on my remotes.

His/Hers Favorites
Bright Clear LCD Screen
Huge Built In Remote Control List
Device Wizard
Channel Logo Favorites
DVR Controls
Price $129 Promo
Punchthrough Bypass(Make keys like volume change your tv volume while using your Cablebox)
Learn IR Receiver at the bottom of remote (seperate from transmitter)
Multiple Sleep Timers

No Keypad Backlight
No X10RF
X10 only using the IR543(which  I haven't gotten to work yet)
No Touchscreen
Macros are hidden deep within the learn feature

There was a problem with my remote.  I received my replacement and it now works with my ir543.  My softkey learns now work flawlessly too. Next stop:  Drappery and lighting automation macros in AHP and Misterhouse.Thanks X10!
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 01:58:54 PM by nswint »


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Re: X10 IR10A iconRemote Review
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2007, 06:21:08 PM »

It's nice to see some reviews. This was the last project I worked on at X10, but I left before seeing a hardware sample or prototype. I especially appreciate hearing that it was easy to learn to use. I (and the rest of the team) spent a lot of time on those wizard screens.

tom j

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Re: X10 IR10A iconRemote Review
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2007, 03:13:34 AM »


If this is yet another low quality product from x10, I will stay clear of this one!


I got just one thing to say to that DITTO!!!



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Re: X10 IR10A iconRemote Review
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2007, 09:30:56 AM »

...I've tried but failed in getting X10 IR codes to transmit from the remote.  I've made a tv device with the default cord 999 and 998 for X10 and nothing seems to work.  I'll call X10 about this one...

Buried DEEP inside the IR10A iconRemote Owner's Manual on Page 38, in a short paragraph is the code 0401, which works.

Quote from: IR10A Owner's Manual, Page 38, Home Control
If you own or purchase an X10 IR Command Console, Model IR543 and X10 Lamp, Appliance, and Wall Switch Modules you’ll be able to control lights and appliances from your IR10A iconRemote. You point the iconRemote at the IR543, it receives IR commands and converts them to X10 commands.  Refer to page 34 and set up code 0401 under AUX (or any other mode you prefer). Then in AUX mode (for example) press a number button on the iconRemote corresponding to the X10 Module you want to control, then press CHANNEL + to turn the module on, CHANNEL – to turn it off, VOLUME + to brighten Lamp and Wall Switch Modules, and VOLUME – to dim them. You can also press the POWER button to turn on ALL lights connected to Lamp and Wall Switch Modules and press MUTE to turn off all your X10 modules (including Appliance Modules).

Since *THIS* remote is made by (or for) Philips, and not One-For-All (URC), the Device Codes that MANY of us have memorized over the years are DIFFERENT. Too bad they forgot to include an X10 Logo to attach to it... :-[

...The DVR functions of my Motorola Cablebox did not work.  I was about 5 seconds into learning the rewind button when it dawned on me that it might be another code for motorola dvr cable boxes and indeed there was one that worked with my box...

Although the FIRST Device Code controlled the POWER on my Panasonic television, when I got inside the MENU only the UP/DOWN arrows worked (I couldn't move LEFT/RIGHT). I had to go back and 'guess' again. From many accumulated hours of reading JP1-specific material, some of us are aware that some controls, like POWER for example, can have MULTIPLE commands:

  • TOGGLE POWER: first press -> ON; second press -> OFF; third press -> ON.
  • ABSOLUTE POWER ON: first press -> ON; second press -> ON; third press -> ON.
  • ABSOLUTE POWER OFF: first press -> OFF; second press -> OFF; third press -> OFF.

Just something to be aware of when more than one Device Code 'appears' to work for your device before you head down the "Learning" path.

...Macros are another feature that I have not tried but from the manual it looks like it was poorly designed...

On my initial read, I agree with you. I dug my 'failed backlight' RadioShack 15-2117 out of the basement to compare. Instead of building a MACRO by selecting ALREADY KNOWN Device Codes (TV ON, CABLE BOX CH 3, etc...), each IR10A MACRO step needs to be LEARNED via a head-to-head face-off between the IR10A and the original remote. Hmmm... [Where's the 'Memory Remaining' Status Screen?] ::)

More to follow, in a separate review, as I get another block of free time (I need to fix my Canon S450 so that I can print out the Owner's Manual in COLOR ;) ).
« Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 09:39:34 AM by TakeTheActive »
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Re: X10 IR10A iconRemote Review
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2007, 10:38:47 AM »


Good spot on the 0401....

I know you DON'T have a JP1 cable because no posts over there are in C O L O R !

Good post, still wouldn't touch an ICON @ $130, but apparently the setup is done well. Do CO's get free samples?

Given the posts here, I would say X10 made for Phillips. How did you find out about that?

After the JP1 comment, what I REALLY want to know is:

WHO ARE YOU, and how do you make your voice do that?


(Sorry if a little obscure.) A related topic:
« Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 10:46:01 AM by glt »


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Re: X10 IR10A iconRemote Review
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2007, 11:55:56 AM »

Nice remote, I like the screen and some of it's features (mainly HIS, HERS and Punchthrough).

I think mine however does not have the latest firmware version installed:

  • No LABEL selection when setting up favorite channels (refer to manual page 10)

  • No ADD KEY TO MACRO selection when learning codes (refer to manual page 19)

Being in Canada, only about %10 of the channel icons are usable to me; and without the ability to replace the channel icons with a label (i.e. the name of the channel) all I can do is go with the channel number... makes it a pointless feature for me.

There is a USB connector inside the battery compartment, so hopefully there will be a windows driver and firmware updates available from X10; especially as new channels appear.


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Re: X10 IR10A iconRemote Review
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2007, 11:58:13 AM »

3rd CO with an ICON,



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Re: X10 IR10A iconRemote Review
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2007, 12:28:50 AM »

All of you folks, both here and here: Icon Remote?? are so THANKFUL for nswint's pertinent information about the IR10A.

Yet, *I* had to give him his FIRST Helpful:-[ >:( :(  Thanks Noah! That was a GREAT write-up!! :)

So sad... :( Take, take, take... >:( What about Give, give, give??  ??? :o :-\ Please read ->Definition: Community

In addition, some folk(s) here need to check out their current ATTITUDE(s) and tone it down... >:( :-[

  • If you're part of the "TEAM", ribbing another "TEAM" Member fine (if you HAVE to... ;) )

  • But, if you're a BYSTANDER throwing "BARBS" at a "TEAM" Member, *PLEASE* STOP!!!

You know folks, I'm getting *REALLY* tired of getting DINGED for standing up for what I feel is the MORALLY CORRECT way to act - if any of you other folks feel the same way, well then,
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Re: X10 IR10A iconRemote Review
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2007, 08:44:54 AM »

In the FAQ for the device it reads this:

Q: Can I control X10 lights and appliances with the iconRemote?
A: Yes! All you need is the Infrared Mini-Controller and it will control your X10 gear too!

I've tried but failed in getting X10 IR codes to transmit from the remote.  I've made a tv device with the default cord 999 and 998 for X10 and nothing seems to work.  I'll call X10 about this one.

It is really a shame that this remote doesn't support X10 RF commands.  Quite a slap in the face for all us long time X10 supporters, isn't it?   

I mean, what makes any X10 branded remote unique and better than other remotes? Why would I buy an X10 branded remote over others in the market?  It is supporting their own X10 RF command set!

Yea, many non-X10 branded remotes can use the IR Mini-controller too.  I have tried myself.  It is very much a kludge.  My IR Mini-controller now sits, as it has for years, gathering dust in the basement.

Too bad, this could have been a rather nice product.   :'(
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Re: X10 IR10A iconRemote Review
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2007, 02:03:52 PM »

There was a problem with my remote.  I received my replacement and it now works with my ir543.  My softkey learns now work flawlessly too. Next stop:  Drappery and lighting automation macros in AHP and Misterhouse.Thanks mmillari  ;D!
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 03:58:26 PM by nswint »
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