Yes, I added the capacitors and that cured all the other problems I was having, even the USB problems.
However, about 2 weeks ago, timers started going off at random times - not even close to where they should be.
Example - I have a timer that shuts the whole houlse down, runs at 1:30 AM, it went off last night at 8:45. I noticed that
the clock setting in the CM15A looked different than the computer settings so I posted this thread.
I believe I have a defective CM15A, because: 1) the timers go off at unpredictable times, 2) the unit refuses to transceive
house codes D and F, and 3) avery 2 or 3 days it stops responding completely and has to be reprogrammed.
But, for a glorious few months, the capacitor fix made life beautiful!!