when I was a teen ager I got to move into my parent's basement and quickly wired up ( from parts from an old pinball machine!) control of all the lights in the basement. took a couple of wind shield wiper motors and configured them to open/close window shades. this system eventually evolved into touch tone control with any phone on hook. pick up, it was a normal phone to dial.
when BSR came out with X10 I jumped on it. (early 1970's?). Eventually over the years it X10 has been the the back bone of my remote controls. My house is saturated with X10 devices. All controlled currently by an AMX Axcent system with touch panels through out my house. to this day I still send X10 commands by "Frankensteined" X10 chips. when the cma 11? came out I experimented with it but found the method to d__n slow! X10 commands are already limited tr 60 Hz. The AMX runs my X10.
Program all my macros there. as signal suckers kept multiplying in my house when I discovered Mr Volp's?
amplifier and it has been very reliable since.
I don't rely on two way moduals. Retired now and have no interest in changing horses now. Have internet and WiFi but for security reasons will never tie into my house hold automation.
All feedback of X10 devices is handled by my Axcess system and any macros needed are performed by it. "slave driving" an X10 controller chip. Recently built an opto version of my old electro mechnical system, but two much leakage current through the chip strobe lines. plan to build a FET opto version and see if it performs better.
Love the new dim up moduals.