Well, as of February 1, 2007 this problem still exists, and the two different people I talked to at x10 Tech Support seemed to be fully aware of it (had to call twice since they e-mailed to the wrong e-mail address the first time.)
Now that I have OnAlert installed I was having trouble figuring out how to create macros to activate/deactivate the security console. When using the main "Help" it only gives info on ActiveHome Pro and not the modules. When I go to the "Plug-ins" drop-down I can access Help for each of the plug-ins except for one, which of course is for OnAlert
If I select "About" there is a "Help" button on the About Screen, but that just takes me to the main "ActiveHome Pro" help.
Is anyone able to access "Help" for "OnAlert" on their system? I'm sure I'll find the info I need in these forums, but was surprised that the Help menu link for OnAlert seems to be NULL.