I've read *SEVERAL* posts lately from NEWBIEs that:
all within the span of a few minutes.

So, personally, whether I know the answer not, I don't reply. IMHO, '
No Effort' invested upfront deserves '
No Effort' returned.
But, I've also recently read this interesting post:
As far as the Newbees Posting issue I have to say that quite honestly I am overwhelmed by the amount of information available in the forums. Each product I have has its little quirks then add to that the individual circumstances of each persons home or apt wiring, walls, ect. and you have a huge system of variables. So as I have done in the past searching for hours may not produce something that may apply to MY circumstance although it is a frequently asked question. Perhaps a revamp of the search engine in someway?[/b] (TTA NOTE: Not going to happen any time soon.) All I know personally is that the answers to most common question are here but it is MORE OF AN EFFORT TO FIND THEM THAN TO POST IT AGAIN and the real issue is that most people are going to take the easy way out........ but I must say that the few times I have asked questions the replies have been courteous and helpfull so thank you to those with patients....[/size]
"...but it is MORE OF AN EFFORT TO FIND THEM THAN TO POST IT AGAIN and the real issue is that most people are going to take the easy way out..."Is this *REALLY* a VALID reason to take "
...the easy way out..." ?

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The problem is that I received the hardware in the mail very quickly but they only sent me a link to download the macro program. I called, e-mailed, chatted asking for the remainder of my order but NOTHING...... NO reply to MY E-MAILS the person on the phone said she would send the link via my e-mail NOTHING...
Newbies get frustrated when things don't work like the perfect image the $49.95 pop up gave them. Even I get frustrated when something that worked fine for over a year decides it's not going to work right. i.e. I had a signal everywhere in the house one day and now I don't. Still working on finding the cause and I think I know all the possible problems.
An educated newbie can be one of our greatest assets on this board. So I favor a guiding hand rather than a scolding hand even if that means repeating myself multiple times. I just try to find a creative way to say things each time.
I also favor informing NEWBIEs that, for the past several months,
VOLUNTEERS have been the
*SOLE* source of Tech Support here.
Be patient someone using multiview will responded it may take up to a week!

More of the regular posters are ones using the ActiveHome Pro (AHP) software !
AHP will do what you want! But you'll need the plug-ins iWitness & Myhouse Online
I can't comment on multiview or the pan&tilt software as I've never used it!
Since it appears that SOMEONE is reading this thread (
Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums... (Read 920 times)), I felt it appropriate that I add my recent comments here...
My personal thanks, in advance, to the NEWBIEs that at least invest some time
[NOTE: All formatting in the Anonymous QUOTE is mine... Current Count: 49 DINGs]