As a Newbie I thought that I would respond to this question...
...If I may be so bold as to suggest that X10 appears to be marketing their products as plug and play equipment. Not something that requires a lot of tinkering to make it all work.
So If you are getting a lot of questions from people who have not RTFM as throughly as you might like, it may be that they are not looking for a new hobby...
If I may be so bold as to point out -
[Not an X10 paid employee.]
X10 Corp, although they foot the bill for the site, stopped personally supporting their products here on a daily basis several months ago. My guess is that *WE* do a better job than anyone they could hire to replace the fellow that was doing it. *AND* we're doing it for *FREE*!

While some volunteers don't mind answering the same-old-questions with their same-old-short-answers every day, others have invested countless hours writing FAQs and assembling LISTs of LINKs which thoroughly cover *MANY* of the daily questions and they would sincerely appreciate it if you (meaning *ALL* Newbies) would invest some time to READ them.

BTW, for those who reply that, being Newbies, they don't know what terms to SEARCH for, well - the above-mentioned FAQs and LISTs are STICKIED at the top of various forums.

P.S. Welcome to the "

After you've read the FAQs & LISTs, including all of their referenced LINKs, please report back with anything that you feel we've omitted. Thanks!