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Author Topic: UM506  (Read 42934 times)


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Re: UM506
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2006, 07:10:21 PM »

Quote from: KDR
My first guess would be no it would not work. I have not seen the wiring print on a DS10A but the wired
side of the magnetic reed switch I'm sure is not meant to have a voltage applied to it. The wired side is just
a reed switch tripped by a magnet getting close to it. 

I don't know, but I think that this magnet move a metal plate for open a cicuit.
Does anyone know this information for a DS10A?
If yes, just use a wire for open or close, and check if SDK can detect a state !

-Bill- (of

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Re: UM506
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2006, 12:02:37 AM »

Maybe a cheaper solution is to buy a USB to parallel port adapter?

I'm obligate to rewrite a code in VB6 for run to Windows (I wrote with QuickBasic), also, I use a 8 pin to parralele port and detect a voltage on each pin... Impossible with a USB adapter.
Also, I want wireless support !

Why impossible?  Also, why wireless?
-Bill- (of

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Re: UM506
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2006, 12:34:04 AM »

Maybe a cheaper solution is to buy a USB to parallel port adapter?

I'm obligate to rewrite a code in VB6 for run to Windows (I wrote with QuickBasic), also, I use a 8 pin to parralele port and detect a voltage on each pin... Impossible with a USB adapter.
Also, I want wireless support !

Why impossible?  Also, why wireless?

Because a Thermopump is always outdoor, a Cie don't want install a 8 wire each that he want install  laptop indoor  for diagnostic while 2 or 3 days.

AnyWay I want sale a new licence :-) !


-Bill- (of

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Re: UM506
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2006, 01:28:07 AM »

Because a Thermopump is always outdoor, a Cie don't want install a 8 wire each that he want install  laptop indoor  for diagnostic while 2 or 3 days.

AnyWay I want sale a new licence :-) !

Now I understand.

My comments:

  • X10 wireless range is BAD especially if the only receiver is the CM15A.  (Often only a few feet!)
  • With X10 you will need one transmitter per channel (relay) to be monitored.  (Could get expensive.)
  • The AHP SDK's RecvAction is tricky at best and faulty at worse when receiving RF. (From my experience, the event will show multiple signals and even show signals that were never sent!)
  • I may be wrong about this, but I believe the wireless door/window switches are not supported by AHP or the SDK without adding an X10 Security System into the mix.

I would suggest finding an event logger device that can record 8 digital (contact closure) channels and supports reading over a wireless MODEM, Bluetooth or a modern wireless network.  (Also could be expensive, but more reliable!)

Good luck, what ever you decide!   :)
-Bill- (of

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  • Roger H.
Re: UM506
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2006, 03:20:15 PM »

I asked me a something, maybe that is possible to use a 2 -way appliance module instead a PF284. Maybe that use another module.
I will explain you that I'm trying to do...
My thermopump is controlled by 24Volts on 7 output.
- Compressor relay
- Fan relay
- Set Point Setting (Thermostat)
- First stage relay for Element 5 Kw
- Second stage relay for Element 5 Kw
- Third stage relay for Element 5 Kw
- Reverse valve (Air conditionned)

So I want get a statut on these 7 output low voltage (24 volts). It expensive to buy 7 PF284 for this.
Does you know another method for get a status for 7 output 24V (or contacts closed) ?

7 of anything will not be cheap.

You might be able to hack a PalmPad to wirelessly transmit the status of each output on a different unit code.  You will have to find a way to momentarily close the connections on the palmpad, but it should be doable.


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Re: UM506
« Reply #20 on: October 02, 2006, 04:48:39 PM »

You might be able to hack a PalmPad to wirelessly transmit the status of each output on a different unit code.  You will have to find a way to momentarily close the connections on the palmpad, but it should be doable.
I like your idea, does is it  possible ?
If yes, does you can give me a direction or link that could help me ?


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  • Roger H.
Re: UM506
« Reply #21 on: October 02, 2006, 05:35:52 PM »

I like your idea, does is it  possible ?
If yes, does you can give me a direction or link that could help me ?

Yes it is possible, but I do not know where to find a schematic of a PalmPad.  One link that might be useful provides some information about Modifying the RF Remote (the old 2xAAA one).  The PalmPad may be similar to it, but I don't know this for sure. 

Another source of useful information for this project is Turning the mini controller into a dry contact receiver.  I don't reccomend using the Mini Controller like this article suggests as it isn't isolated from the 120V power, and it uses the hot wire as a ground reference so you could get an electric shock by touching any of the connetions inside the controller.  The article should have information which is applicable for use with the PalmPad.

I hope this helps.


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Re: UM506
« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2006, 06:14:37 PM »

Yes it is possible, but I do not know where to find a schematic of a PalmPad.  One link that might be useful provides some information about Modifying the RF Remote (the old 2xAAA one).  The PalmPad may be similar to it, but I don't know this for sure. 
I hope this helps.
I read this link, but this link explain how to Modifying the address of any RF device,

If you or another person can give me another address link, so tell me !


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Re: UM506
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2006, 03:21:03 PM »

...I wrote this program like this, using a parrallel port 9 year ago, in O/S DOS.
This program was create for diagnostic thermopump,  air conditioning and heating.
I sold these program, with electronic interface and laptop to Cie that sale air conditioning and heating.

Now I want to do another program running under Windows, with USB support, and wireless support. Maybe that I will sale another licence for this new version.

In this program, Operator have to define a voltage (220), Amperage, Electricity cost.
This program verify state to each second.

In this new program, Each 24Hours, a report will be sent by Email to Cie, with each state while a day with a total defrost, and electricity comsumption, etc, etc  !

I run a mine since 9 years on my home with a 386-33 under DOS.

Just out of my curiosity, what COUNTRY and TIME DIFFERENCE from GMT are you in? (So that I can gauge when to look for replies, etc...) ;)

[Central NJ, USA / GMT - 4:00 here]
Low Post Count != Low Knowledge - High Post Count != High Knowledge ;)



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Re: UM506
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2006, 03:38:11 PM »

Just out of my curiosity, what COUNTRY and TIME DIFFERENCE from GMT are you in? (So that I can gauge when to look for replies, etc...) ;)

[Central NJ, USA / GMT - 4:00 here]

(GMT-05:00) Est (Canada, Québec)


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  • Roger H.
Re: UM506
« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2006, 09:33:09 AM »

(GMT-05:00) Est (Canada, Québec)

Cool, another Canadian (Ottawa here)!  There seem to be lots of us here.  :)  You should put your location on your profile.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2006, 09:34:40 AM by roger1818 »


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Re: UM506
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2006, 02:26:05 PM »

Small Suggestion.  If you use the Door sensor and wish to trip it directly from 24V, try putting a transistor (NPN) across the switch contacts.  (Collertor on Positive side of contacts - Measure if unsure.)  You can common the minus side with the grouond of the 24V system because the battery power isolates the Door switch.  Use a resistor from the 24V you wish to sense to the base of the transistor large enough to send an mA or so into the transistor.  IF THE Off voltage of the 24V is greater than 1 Volt or so, feed it through as many diodes as needed (.6 V per diode) to eliminate that.  Should be cheaper than a relay.
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